Even if you don’t know the first thing about chimneys, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the differences between chimney caps and dampers. Both of them have one thing in common: they’re forms of chimney cover. Having some sort of cover on top of your chimney is imperative because they prevent the elements as well as critters such as large birds or raccoons from entering your flue. But which form of chimney cover should you invest in: a cap or a damper? Here are some of the basics of what you need to know about chimney caps and dampers.

What sort of chimney cover should you invest in: a cap or a damper? Here’s what you need to know.
Chimney Caps
Chimney caps do one thing in particular very well: they keep things out of your chimney. It’s currently hurricane season, and it’s a possibility that our area will see some extreme weather before the year is up. You want to do everything in your power to prevent water or debris from entering your chimney. Water especially could have costly consequences, such as mold and wood rot.
Then there is the issue of wildlife. Chimneys caps are incredibly effective at preventing even smaller creatures from entering. Take for instance the chimney swift, a species of bird that resembles a flying cigar. Aptly named, they nest almost exclusively in chimneys. Although they winter in South America, they come up to our area to breed. As cute as they are, you want to prevent them from roosting in your chimney, as they can cause quite a mess. If you are dealing with chimney swifts, chimney caps are your friend.
Chimney Dampers
The fundamental difference between chimney caps and dampers is that dampers shut off the flue, restricting airflow. Why would you want to cut off airflow to your flue? To save money! Airflow into your flue can create significant drafts and cause you to spend more money in trying to keep your home warm. Of course, you’re going to want a good deal of airflow if you’re having a fire (that’s the whole point of a flue, isn’t it?). That’s why dampers can be opened and closed at your command.
Call the Experts at Champion Chimneys for Chimney Cap and Damper Installation Today!
Champion Chimneys, Inc. is a fully licensed, bonded, and insured chimney service company that has been serving customers in Baltimore County, Howard County, and Anne Arundel County, Maryland since 2001. Our team is trained and certified by Certified Chimney Professionals, Inc. (CCP, Inc.). Courteous service is our trademark, and our crews arrive on time in uniform, driving fully equipped trucks. We specialize in all aspects of your chimney system. Whether you need chimney and flue cleaning service or a full chimney rebuild or inspection, contact us at 443-Chimney today and let us fix all your chimney problems. Also, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.