There is nothing cozier than a gas fireplace in your home. As you might expect, gas fireplaces require proper maintenance to keep them running smoothly throughout the year — especially during the winter when homeowners tend to rely on their… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘chimney cleaning’
Why You Should Use Seasoned Firewood
It is finally fall! Sure, fire pits during the summer and roasted marshmallows are great, but nothing beats a crackling fire in those fireplaces keeping you warm on a cold fall night. In many ways, it is the best time… Read More
What to Expect During a Chimney Sweeping
Every homeowner who has a chimney knows the importance of a chimney sweep. Most homeowners should schedule chimney sweeps at least once a year — at a minimum. Having a professional chimney sweep becomes integral to the overall working capability… Read More
Tips for Improving Your Fireplace’s Efficiency
A fireplace is undoubtedly an attractive home feature that adds character and atmosphere to any room. If yours is also counted on to be a steady and dependable heat source, you’ll want to take all possible steps to ensure its… Read More
Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Chimney
It’s the middle of summer, and chances are, after the last chilly day in late winter, you haven’t spent much time since thinking about chimney cleaning and chimney inspection. However, now is the perfect time to perform some routine maintenance!… Read More
3 Signs You Need a Chimney Sweep
Being a homeowner comes with a lot of maintenance projects. From home improvements to daily upkeep, there’s likely a lot on your mind when it comes to your home. However, the last thing you may think of is one of… Read More
Why You Should Hire a Chimney Sweep this Spring
Today’s topic of discussion is why you should hire a chimney sweep this spring. People typically associate chimneys with colder seasons. When frigid weather comes, people fire up the fireplace to keep themselves warm. However, you might be surprised at… Read More
Where Should You Store Firewood?
There’s nothing quite like burning firewood on a chilly evening to stay warm inside or outside your home. Finding the perfect spot to store it may be challenging if you have extra lying around. So, where exactly should you keep… Read More
How Ice Can Damage Your Chimney
Did you know that snow and ice can be damaging to your chimney? In fact, snow and ice can really hinder your chimneys’ structure over time. When gone untreated, snow and ice can be hazardous to not just your chimney… Read More
Common Causes of Chimney Fires
Chimney fires pose a serious and dangerous risk to all those who regularly use their fireplace. A fire can start in your chimney without you even realizing it. Flames and smoke can shoot out of your chimney and fireplace, causing… Read More