Here are some of the best reasons to use your fireplace this winter.
It’s getting undeniably chilly out there. Although fireplaces are no longer as commonplace a sight in single-family homes as they used to be, they are present in about 40% of homes. For those of us who live in older homes, the odds that you have one are much higher. Still, it’s surprising just how many people don’t use their fireplace at all. Whether you fall into this category or you’re considering having a fireplace installed, here are some of the best reasons to use your fireplace this winter.
Energy Efficiency
A majority of people find that their energy bill goes up in the winter due to the cost of heating. Lighting a fire in your fireplace is an outstanding way to provide your home with additional heat. The amount of heat you get from a roaring fireplace can be surprising. You’ll be delighted to see your energy bill go down significantly.
Good for the Environment
To some, it may feel counterintuitive to learn that heating your home by burning firewood is sustainable. But the truth is that hardwood is the very definition of a renewable resource. So long as sustainable timbering practices are followed, our nation’s supply of hardwood will continue to regenerate annually. If you’re trying to go green, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that, if you use your fireplace, you’re making a good choice for the environment.
If you didn’t grow up in a home with an actively used fireplace, you might not know what you’re missing. Sitting by a crackling fire on a cold winter’s night is, to use the cliché, one of life’s simple pleasures. There is no substitute for the warm and delightful atmosphere that emanates from a lit fireplace. Once you’ve started using it, you’ll never want to go back.
Easy Installation
If you fall into our second category of people—those whose homes don’t have fireplaces—you’ve probably wondered if it would be possible to install one in your home. The good news is that this is a possibility. Just because your home doesn’t have a fireplace doesn’t mean one couldn’t be constructed. Here at Champion Chimneys, we specialize in new chimney building, and we strive to make the process as easy for you as possible.
Whether you don’t use your fireplace or hope to have one installed, we hope you will enjoy many cozy winter nights by a roaring fire.
Call the Experts at Champion Chimneys for Chimney Cleaning Today!
Champion Chimneys, Inc. is a fully licensed, bonded, and insured chimney service company that has served customers in Baltimore County, Howard County, and Anne Arundel County, Maryland since 2001. Our team is trained and certified by Certified Chimney Professionals, Inc. (CCP, Inc.). Courteous service is our trademark, and our crews arrive on time in uniform, driving fully equipped trucks. We specialize in all aspects of your chimney system. Whether you need chimney and flue cleaning service or a full chimney rebuild or inspection, contact us at 443-Chimney today and let us fix all your chimney problems. Also, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.